
Javascript configuration variables

Configuration variables are used as parameters to set Logora's behavior

Written by LauraLast update 3 years ago

Javascript configuration variables are used as parameters to set up Logora's behavior. 

They are defined in the article's HTML code where Logora is loaded.

Some variables are specific to the synthesis, others to the debate space. The configuration variables are added to the object logora_config. 

Commun variable for the debate space & the synthesis 

  • shortname (mandatory) : your application name given by Logora. It is the identifier allowing Logora to memorize your website. This name must be inserted in the integration script links.

Variables for the debate synthesis 

  • debate.identifier (mandatory) : the unique identifier linked to your page. This identifier must be unique for each page where the synthesis is inserted.It is mandatory to get the debate to the relevant page. For example, the identifier can be the article's ID found in your database, or a unique slug ('exemple-identifiant').
  • debate.name (optional) : the question to launch the debate. For exemple : "Will robots conquer the world ?". By default, debate.identifier.
  • debate.started (optional) : by default, false. Boolean defining if the debate has started when created. If the debate has started, he will be displayed on the debate space. Otherwise, he can be started from your administration panel. 
  • debate.source_url (optional) : URL of the page linked to the debate. It is the page where the synthesis is inserted. 
  • debate.pro_side (optional) : first thesis for the debate. By default, "For".
  • debate.against_side (optional) : second thesis for the debate. By default, "Against".
  • debate.image_url (optional) : debate's image URL. This image will be displayed on the debate space
  • debate.tags (optional) : tags linked to the debate, as an array. Example: "['politics', 'sports']".
  • prefix_path (optional) : debate space root path.
  • auto_create_debate (optional) : by default, false. Activate the debate automatic creation.

Variables for the debate space

  • provider.name (optional) : your website's name (example: "Logora"). Editable from your administration panel.
  • provider.url (optional) : your website's url (example: "https://logora.fr"). This link is used to allow users to go back to your website from the debate space. Editable from your administration panel. 
  • prefix_path (optional) : debate space root path.. Editable from your administration panel.
  • remote_auth (optional) : message allowing Single Sign-On. Read "Implement Single Sign-On".
  • login_url (optional) : link to your login page. Mandatory if you use Single Sign-On.
  • registration_url (optional) : link to your registration page. Mandatory if you use Single Sign-On.
  • ga_tracking_id (optional) : ID Google Analytics to collect your datas.

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